Automated simulation software adapted for the web
In our mission to facilitate the use of fluid simulation technology, at Symula we are working on the development of a web application through which we can offer automated simulation tools.
Together with this publication, today we are launching a first version of our platform on the market . It is fully functional simulation software that allows us to start validating our value proposition. Access to fluid simulation without the need to be an expert in the field.
Thanks to our software you will be able to validate and optimize the design of your product, from the initial phases of development and through the use of CFD simulation.
Who can benefit from our platform
We are aware that there are a large number of companies facing design challenges related to improving thermal performance or aerodynamic efficiency. The computational simulation of fluids is a calculation and design tool, highly demanded in high-level engineering and extremely useful when it comes to solving these problems.
Used in the initial phases of the project, it is capable of optimizing and validating design proposals, reducing manufacturing and development times, risks and costs. However, until now its use and application has been limited to large engineering companies due to its high costs in training, licenses and calculation equipment.
Our simulation platform is designed to allow users without knowledge of fluid simulation to be able to benefit from its full potential at the lowest possible cost. Providing a gateway to industry 4.0 for professionals and companies thanks to digital validation and prototyping.

Software Features
We have adapted the open source software openFoam to develop automated simulation scenes or applications . In just 3 simple steps you will be able to validate the performance of your design and visualize the behavior of the air. To use the tool you do not need to have simulation knowledge or learn how to set up a CFD case study.
Some of the applications we are working on are: Virtual Wind Tunnel, Pedestrian Comfort, Wind Loads or Interior Comfort.
From the control panel or from the page of each project , it is possible to manage the study cases, launch a new simulation or download the results to work locally.
When configuring each case study, depending on the chosen simulation application, you can configure different types of parameters. In the case of the wind tunnel, for example, after importing your geometry you will have to define the location of the body (on the ground or in the air), its rotation and the wind speed.
Depending on your product development status, you can choose the calculation precision that best suits your needs. In the initial phases of design, the conceptual calculation would be the most economical option; while if you require validation and results that are as close to reality as possible, you should choose the highest precision available.
We also provide the possibility to improve the analysis of results through fluid rendering post -processing . Thanks to the use of graphic engines, we offer a quality improvement at a visual level that other tools are not capable of achieving.

Benefits of cloud simulation
One of the main barriers to access to CFD simulation is the high investment and maintenance costs, both in hardware and software licences. Through our simulation platform we offer an economical and alternative way to use simulation and high-performance computing.
Thanks to calculation servers in the cloud, Symula helps you to eliminate acquisition and maintenance costs of high-performance calculation equipment . In addition, all that is needed to use the platform is an Internet connection and access through a web browser . You won’t have to worry about installing, configuring, or updating software ever again.
Other features that the use of the platform offers us, and that we seek to promote, is online professional collaboration . We offer you the possibility of having support in the use of the software, as well as engineering advice in the development of your projects. You will be able to share information instantly and collaborate with our experts throughout the calculation process.

Current Capabilities and Future Development
This first version of the software offers a simple and direct work environment to obtain simulation results in the friendliest way possible. Little by little we will be releasing updates with new features that improve the experience and add value to the user.
The first application available is a virtual wind tunnel . This tool is used to simulate cases of external aerodynamics and obtain results of forces and aerodynamic efficiency. Having a digital environment to test aerodynamic behavior, without the need to manufacture and test physically, we believe that it can add a lot of value to sectors such as the automobile and transport in general, aerospace or the world of competition.
Beyond simulation as such, we seek to offer a design validation and optimization tool . Through which to obtain conclusions that translate into product improvements. In addition, we would like to enhance collaborative relationships between users and experts. Developing a collaborative work environment that facilitates, simplifies and improves the current relationships of traditional consulting services.
Finally, note that we will gradually add the rest of the simulation applications. We will keep you informed so that you are aware of all the functionalities and improvements that we are introducing within the platform.