The many benefits of CFD simulation in the cloud

simulación CFD en la nube
Computing in the cloud removes the barriers that SME's or individuals have when validating their designs in early stages of development.

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The many benefits of CFD simulation in the cloud

In this article we will discuss how simulation in the cloud or “cloud-computing” eliminates de barriers that smaller companies may have compared to leading engineering companies. In some cases, SME’s cannot afford the purchase of traditional software licenses or high performance computing equipment to simulate and test their prototypes in the early stages of development.

These are some of the advantages of CFD simulation in the cloud:

Flexibility of cloud tools

One of the main benefits of cloud simulation is accessibility from any location, without time restrictions and through any device and web browser, facilitating flexibility for users.

Accessibility to 3D simulation data

It also allows access to the calculation data in the cloud from anywhere. Having data scattered across personal workplaces can be inconvenient for remote engineers and managers who want access 3D simulation results. That is why cloud platforms bring all your data together in one secure place, making it easy to access, search, view, and share.

Economic advantages of Software as a Service

On one hand, the main software distributors sell their licenses at a very high cost, and, on the other hand, you will need to buy powerful and expensive computers, which is a significant handicap for SME’s and individual users. It requires large investments with the risk of non-return if a sufficient number of projects do not materialize.

Simulations in the cloud offer the advantage of pay-per-use, that is, you only pay for the resources used and the time the simulations has been running. Thus, we completely rule out the need to make investments in licenses or in high-performance hardware.

Colaboration in real time thanks to “cloud-computing”

What is more, cloud-based platforms offer tools to connect their users and facilitate remote work. Also enabling online collaboration with experts or technicians to resolve any queries.

Advantages in computing capacity of SaaS platforms

When it comes to carrying out complex designs and optimization projects, it is more than likely that we will have to perform several simulations in parallel, to evaluate different options. There is also the possibility that our hardware does not have enough power to perform required calculation.

This inconvenience can be solved by using cloud services, which allow multiple simulations to be run at the same time and with the required computing power. The user will only need internet access to manage the simulations within the platform.

If you are interested in using CFD simulation at the lowest possible cost, at Symula we offer you our simulation platform in the cloud so you can benefit from all these advantages. Our mission is to facilitate the use of CFD simulation at the lowest possible price and with all the advantages of cloud computing.

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